Managing Maintenance Calls Across Multiple Facilities

Managing multiple facilities can get overwhelming. Without proper organization, problems can come at you and build up fast. How does a maintenance manager keep up with calls across multiple facilities?

If maintenance is not being performed as it should, it affects the entire business. Unnecessary downtime costs the business money. A maintenance manager needs a system where everything can be logged in one place. In 2019 there is much opportunity to use technology to make management easier and more streamlined. Many maintenance managers are turning to a CMMS to help them keep track of tasks.

A CMMS allows multiple facilities to use the same operating system and stay connected. Everything the maintenance manager needs as far as communication is all in one place. This makes organization a breeze and leaves more time to actually carry out tasks.

Any system can be improved. As a maintenance manager, you should always ask for the input of the maintenance technicians in perfecting lines of communication and systems. They are on the front lines of this system and experience its efficiency firsthand. Over time your maintenance managing can become a very well-oiled machine.

3 HVAC Repairs You Didn’t Know You Needed This Summer

HVAC maintenance is top of mind during the sweltering summer months; there’s nothing worse than a 98-degree day with no A/C. We have a few tips to keep your system running smoothly and your facility cool and dry.

Change your A/C filter

Many people underestimate the importance of having a nice clean filter. The cleaner the filter, the cleaner the air. A clogged A/C filter can also cause your system to have to work harder. In this case the A/C may not keep up with demands; this makes your space feel warmer while raising the energy bills as well. These filters should be changed every 3-9 months depending on the quality of the filter and how much dirt/dust/hair is in your facility – spaces with pets require frequent filter changes. Mark it on the calendar to check the filter and buy a multi pack. This makes changing the filter a breeze and ensures you won’t forget. 

Yearly Inspection

Spring is a good time to get your A/C unit inspected. You want to make sure that it’s working efficiently and not posing any threats to the building or anyone’s health. If the unit is not functioning at its finest, it could end up costing much more than an inspection would. Better safe than sorry – calling in an expert to take a look can keep you out of the weeds at the peak of the hot season. 

Have your ducts cleaned

If it has been a while, typically three to five years, since your ducts have been cleaned, then it’s probably time. People often overlook the importance of cleaning the ducts, but dirty ones are a breeding ground for pests, mold and bacteria. The ducts lead to everywhere in your home or office and the air is recirculated. Polluted air is the cause for most respiratory infections as well as allergens. 

For all your HVAC needs, MaintenX is here to help.

How Energy Efficiency Can Become A Selling Point for Your Business

Energy efficiency is on everyone’s minds. People are becoming more conscious of humanity’s environmental impact, and more and more businesses are becoming greener. Coffee shops are cutting down on plastic; grocery stores are encouraging reusable bags. People are biking more or carpooling, recycling, and repurposing things they once may have thrown out. We as a people are evolving.

How can this help you in business? Being environmentally friendly and energy efficient can draw in customers who are looking to spend their money with companies who make efforts to be sustainable. You could be losing out on an entire population of people simply because your competitor is more energy and environmentally friendly. Small changes can make a big impact, and everyone has to start somewhere.

For all of your energy efficient and green needs for your business, contact MaintenX today! We are here to help. 

The Costs of Cleaning vs. Ignoring Your HVAC Air Ducts

You may be wondering if it is really necessary to clean your HVAC air ducts. Some people don’t even consider cleaning parts of their house or business that they can’t see. Cleaning your HVAC ducts every three to five years is a lot more important than you think. 

Cleaning your HVAC ducts keeps your entire HVAC system working optimally, but it may have a big impact on your health as well. Not cleaning your ducts can lead to increased amounts of dust, mold, and bacteria on surfaces and in the air, and can also lead to costly repairs if debris buildup causes the system to malfunction. Extra particulates can wreak havoc on your respiratory system. Increased illness in the workplace can have people out of work and hinder productivity. Extra trips to the doctor for air pollution-related illness means more medical costs. People who have allergies or asthma are at an even higher risk of becoming ill due to toxins in the air or on surfaces.

Never underestimate the importance of clean air for one’s health. Air inside the office is recirculated over and over, so without clean ducts the irritants are always there waiting to attack. For all of your HVAC needs, contact MaintenX today. We are here to help. 

What Is “Whole Building Design” And How Can It Improve Your Facility’s Energy Efficiency

You may be asking yourself what “Whole building design” means and how can it save you money. The Whole Building Design approach looks at all major attributes of a building and optimizes them to be efficient, sustainable, durable, and safe, which saves money for the consumer as well. In order to achieve a design like this, many different disciplines come together. Your Facility, with a build like this, will be almost self-sufficient when it comes to energy.

Energy-efficient facilities are less expensive to operate as well as environmentally friendly. If you aren’t ready to go the Whole Building Design route, there are many ways to upgrade the build you already have. Insulation is a key component to heating and cooling – you can upgrade to energy-efficient windows and doors as well as HVAC systems and water heaters, and thermostats that can sense when specific rooms are empty or if the building is empty and adjust the temperature accordingly.

There are many ways to start small and turn your facility into a money-saving environmentally friendly green machine.

For all of your energy efficiency upgrades, contact MaintenX today. We are here to help.

Tax Credits and Rebates You Can Earn with A More Efficient Electrical System

If you are looking to upgrade your electrical system at your home or business, now is certainly the time. Federal tax credits for both solar panel systems and solar hot water systems have been extended to the end of 2019. At the end of the year, the credit starts to be reduced. If you upgrade now, you will be eligible for a 30% subsidy of the cost of buying and installation. At the close of 2019, the percentage points begin to dwindle each year until they disappear in 2022 for homeowners, remaining at 10% for businesses.

There are other ways to get tax credits and rebates other than going solar. Things you might not think of, like compact fluorescent light bulbs that can save you about $10 in rebates. There are also larger rebates available for upgrading your appliances, not just those in the kitchen or laundry room but also pool pumps, HVAC systems, fans and water heaters. 

If you are looking at being energy efficient to reduce your utility bills, there are many ways to save and although you will pay more up front in installing and buying equipment, making changes like this will save you for years to come, and the perk of getting a little money back through tax breaks and rebates is just an added bonus. 

What to Do About Recurring Clogs in Your Facility’s Plumbing

Plumbing problems can affect other systems in your facility. If you are noticing increased clogs, it may be a sign of a much bigger problem. Clogged drains could be a sign of poor pressure, which could lead to backflow problems and even a contamination of water, but it could also mean there are problems in the pipes themselves. If you have hard water, containing a lot of calcium and magnesium, it could cause buildup in your pipes that even the strongest drain cleaners cannot help.

If the problems get too big to handle, it is time to bring in the experts. One option for removing debris and build up is the process of hydro jetting. Hydro jetting works by using high pressure water to force the problem out of the pipes. The pressure it so great that it can force out about 20 gallons of water per minute. Your expert will be able to examine the area prior to determining if this treatment option is right for you. If your pipes are infiltrated due to damage then another approach will be to be taken, but if it is simply buildup hydro jetting may be the perfect option for you.

Backflow Testing Tips, Requirements, And Services for Your Facility

Does your facility require backflow prevention? Backflow might be a foreign term to you as a facility owner or manager; it refers to water in your pipes flowing back into the city’s water supply, which can lead to contamination. The water should run in one direction, from the point of origin to the destination, but in certain situations, like low pressure, it doesn’t happen. Facilities and private residences need to have testing done by a county-approved evaluator. 

All facilities that require backflow assembly must get annual tests. A list of facilities in Tampa that may need to set up backflow testing and services can be found here: Tampa code of ordinances. Facility owners are responsible for repairing or replacing any backflow preventers that fail to meet performance standards; this also goes for private residences. The certified tester will test your equipment and report to the county so that your duty is completely fulfilled. Should equipment need repair, MaintenX is a one-stop shop.

MaintenX is a certified tester of backflow and backflow assembly for Hillsborough county. We can replace equipment and report to the county. If you find yourself in need of backflow testing, give MaintenX a call. We are always here to help.

3 Preventative Maintenance Tasks That Will Improve Your Employees’ Satisfaction

Employees are more likely to be satisfied when their day can run smoothly. Hiccups like equipment failure can throw a wrench into their daily tasks and prevent employees from doing a good job and finishing the day strong and in a great mood. Adopting a preventative maintenance strategy can avoid these situations, putting your team in a position to succeed.

Set Up A System

Using something like CMMS makes preventative maintenance a breeze. It allows for communication with employees in the field who may require assistance, or even something as small as letting you know a project has been completed. Communication is key. Employees tend to be more satisfied if lines of communication are open and well-used.

Get Feedback

Talk to your employees about the systems in place. They’re the users, so getting to know what they like and dislike can increase satisfaction by letting them know you care, but it can also help operations run more smoothly.

Make Change

Just as important as listening and adapting is making a plan of action to ensure employees are satisfied. Is preventative maintenance being performed in a timely manner? Can some of the more time-consuming tasks be moved around? Employees who are happy and satisfied are employees who stick around. Great management leads to great employee success.

Estimating Month-to-Month Man Hours Needed for Facility Maintenance

Estimating the number of hours you will need to have staff onboard for facility maintenance can seem like a daunting task. How will you know if and when you will need the help? Like any business, the bottom line is profit and you don’t want to waste on unnecessary man hours. So how do you know what you will need? 

Typically, a business will have some sort of log for facility maintenance. Oftentimes now, businesses turn to a CMMS system to organize procedures, preventative maintenance, and emergency repairs. With information like this at your fingertips, it can be a lot easier to look at trends and figure out how much manpower you will need for facility maintenance from month to month. If you log your maintenance the old-fashioned way, the process can take a lot longer and be quite stressful during the planning phase. 

To plan without a CMMS, you need to look at what jobs are most important and how long they will take. What type of employees can handle these jobs? Will any employee be able to do smaller tasks, or will you need someone with special skills to carry them out? If you have maintenance that you are unfamiliar with, do a little research to find out how long it will take to complete the jobs. Look at past months’ trends; have you had more or less repairs and why? Gathering a little information before deciding on how many hours you’ll need can help you strategize better and save you money month to month.