Gear Up For Next Semester With These Campus Maintenance Tasks 

Due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) hitting the states this spring, most schools have closed until the fall. This has caused turbulence in the school system for students and staff alike, but these challenges have also presented several opportunities. 

During the extended school closure, teachers and staff can work on enhancing the student experience for the next semester. In addition to the curriculum and activities for students, school building maintenance can be scheduled for the extended summer period. 

Building maintenance is often overlooked at school facilities. Depending on funding and maintenance resources available to the campus, certain tasks are put on the back burner until they become major issues. Some examples of these maintenance tasks include: 

  • Checking function and electrical safety of alarm systems
  • General classroom electrical, lighting, and interior preventative maintenance checks
  • HVAC equipment and systems checks
  • Restroom and kitchen plumbing maintenance
  • Gutter and roof drain cleaning and maintenance
  • Asphalt and roofing preventative maintenance
  • Backflow testing
  • Emergency generator electrical maintenance

Each of these tasks incurs a small expense that the school board or faculty might not have budgeted for. However, these tasks can save your school hundreds or even thousands of dollars in emergency repairs when taken care of routinely. Something as simple as planning for preventative maintenance on your roofing, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems can help you create a better student experience year-round. 

So, as you plan to make use of this extended summer, think about your maintenance plan. Is it integrated into your operational plan and budget, or is it more of an afterthought? Are you working with your maintenance team to address specific problems and find cost-effective solutions? Or are you leaving it to a handful of janitors to do the very basics? 

MaintenX offers turnkey solutions for facility maintenance on campus. Whether you’re creating a preventative maintenance plan or want to work on renovations for fall, we can provide best-in-class service. Contact us today for details!

The Benefits of Centralized vs. Decentralized Maintenance Services

Your maintenance strategy is just as important as the people and equipment you put in place. A skilled technician is essential to preventative maintenance performance, but your strategy depending on the type of facility you operate may accelerate, or conversely hinder your progress annually. Understanding your maintenance program as a whole, rather than viewing it as a set of on-demand services, will enable you to make better choices when hiring an outsourced maintenance team. 

Before outsourcing your maintenance work, you should understand the differences between centralized and decentralized maintenance programs. These two mindsets shape the way your maintenance program handles emergency as well as routine procedures. Choosing the right one for your facility can help you save time and money in almost every department. 

The Benefits And Costs Of Decentralized Maintenance

Decentralized maintenance is an organizational structure in which maintenance team members operate independently within an organization. Typically the maintenance staff is assigned to departments or buildings within a facility, and are independently responsible for their own services. Or, teams of specialists (such as plumbers, electricians, and HVAC technicians) will work independently of each other to provide service to an entire facility. 

This method of maintenance management moves the power to a lower level of hierarchy, offering flexibility in service requests and sometimes quicker service times. When teams are allowed to act independently they can become more efficient within their specialties. However, the lack of organization across maintenance departments can lead to a lack of quality standards among contractors. This variation in service standards can lead to problems down the road, when one maintenance worker must follow the services of another. 

Decentralized maintenance is beneficial for small facilities that are independently owned or operated. They are money-saving programs that if managed by a competent maintenance manager will reduce service time. However, for larger facilities or office buildings who rely on outsourced maintenance programs, a centralized maintenance program can be beneficial. 

The Benefits of Centralized Maintenance

Centralized maintenance programs utilize a network of independent contractors who are managed under one roof or company name. Whether the specialists are employees or independent contractors, they deliver services in a unified presence. When working with these companies, you can hire specialized electricians, HVAC technicians, plumbers, roofers, and general contractors from one trusted brand. 

While these services are not always the cheapest option, and may not be available onsite, they offer several benefits for large facilities and buildings needing outsourced maintenance. Because these programs are centrally organized, there is a standard of service that can be expected no matter what technician is called out for the service request. These centralized programs also offer better internal communications, a larger pool of contractors, and can often afford high-tech equipment that smaller decentralized services cannot. 

Choosing to hire from a contractor network like MaintenX can help you make maintenance service hassle-free. Contact us to learn more about our services and our quality guarantee.

Ready To Reopen Your Storefront? Schedule These Maintenance Services First

When the COVID-19 crisis began in late March, many storefronts had to close temporarily for the safety of their customers and staff. This means that these commercial buildings have gone several months without foot traffic, without care, and without proper maintenance. While these precautions are necessary, they may change the state of your building when it’s time to reopen.

For some businesses, reopening may not be an option for some time. It is therefore up to facility managers to tend carefully to these buildings and ensure that when their tenants are ready to come back, they can pick up operations smoothly and effectively. This may require additional investments while the store is closed, including routine maintenance and cleaning services. 

Whether you’re opening after a temporary closure or have recently purchased a dark closed storefront, you’ll want to carve out some time for building maintenance before re-welcoming customers. Below are just some of the services MaintenX recommends before reopening a storefront or industrial facility: 

Schedule roofing maintenance.

Roofing is a relatively stagnant element to any building. However, with no tenants inside, roofing maintenance can be easily forgotten. Before you reopen your storefront, be sure to clean the gutters, check for leaks and cracks in the roofing surface, and take a look at any rooftop HVAC systems for problems. You’ll be glad you took care of these maintenance tasks beforehand, rather than finding out about them later. 

Clean pipes and check plumbing for leaks. 

Even though your building has not been in use, natural debris and contaminants can still cause clogs or line breaks in your plumbing. You may want to schedule a water jetting service, as well as a preventative maintenance checkup to make sure that no piping problems are waiting for you when you return. 

Ensure electrical safety.

If your building has been left unattended for some time, you will want to schedule a preventative maintenance check with your electrician before reopening. Pests can gnaw through wires, and systems can deteriorate when not in use. This could wreak havoc on you when it comes time to turn the lights back on if you’re not careful. 

Run diagnostics on your HVAC system.  

Your HVAC system has probably gone some time without any sort of maintenance, including inspection of drip pans, coils, or changing of the air filter. As the summer heat approaches, you want to make sure your HVAC system is in tip-top shape before reopening your storefront. Contact an HVAC specialist from MaintenX to schedule a consultation and preventative maintenance check on your entire system. 

Times are tough, but with the right preventative care you can get back to business as usual in no time. Contact MaintenX today to schedule your custom commercial maintenance services.

Planning Campus Repairs And Renovations Over Summer Break

For many schools, the summer break has started early. Students are either conducting classes online in order to stay safe, or have had their entire spring semester cut short due to health precautions surrounding the COVID-19 crisis. While this may seem like a time of chaos and uncertainty, there are many things you can do now to prepare your campus for the fall. 

Many grounds managers of schools and college campuses are planning major repairs and renovations over this extended summer break. The time you have now should be spent wisely, so that returning students can get right back to learning in the fall. If you have the opportunity to make some campus renovations, here is what we recommend: 

Install new roofing. 

Roofing is an essential element of any building. A sturdy roof protects occupants and provides insulation during either hot or cold months. However, roofing will deteriorate over time and needs to be replaced when visible signs of wear occur. Replacing your roofing now will help prevent leaks during the school year, which can be disruptive to activity on campus. Ask your local MaintenX roofer about the best roofing for long-term use. 

An updated heating and air conditioning system. 

Many schools don’t have the time to replace broken or poor performing HVAC systems until the summertime. During the school year, students and teachers may have to suffer through classes with poor circulation and temperature control. However, if you start shopping for energy-efficient upgrades now, you can have them installed before the 2021 school year begins. 

Revamp your electrical safety protocols. 

Safety is a top priority for all campuses big and small. While electrical issues are rare, they are a hazard on any campus and should be checked to ensure the safety of teachers and students. Electrical preventative maintenance from MaintenX helps keep your students safe at all times. 

These repairs will make your campus a safer and better place for students to learn after a very long hiatus. To learn more about where and how you can schedule affordable preventative repairs and installation services, contact MaintenX today!

Why Are There Pests In My Facility?

Your facility depends on its reputation to keep customers and tenants inside. The service you deliver, accommodations you offer, and team you hire all make a difference in the customer and tenant experience. With a strong reputation, you’ll be able to keep your facility occupied at any time. However, it doesn’t take much for that reputation to be ruined by elements out of your control.

You can’t control what every single person thinks about your building. You can, however, take steps to prevent obvious issues in your facility’s maintenance and appearance. Keeping your facility clean, efficient, and free of pests will eliminate many problems guests and tenants could have with your building. 

One of the tell-tale signs that a facility is not well-maintained is the presence of pests. The most common pests in commercial facilities include rodents, roaches, termites, and flies. These unwanted, disease-carrying guests will quickly turn tenants away if you don’t handle them properly. The longer you wait to terminate your pests, the more they will inevitably impact your bottom line. 

The two main reasons you could have pests include: 

You have a water leak. 

Water attracts bugs and rodents to live inside a facility rather than in their natural habitat. In commercial facilities, water can accumulate from leaks in your plumbing that go unnoticed or unchecked. If the water leaks for long enough, it may start to pool and create a breeding ground for pests. In order to prevent this, you must take good care of your pipes and schedule regular plumbing preventative maintenance. 

You have a crack in the walls or ceilings. 

Pests can oftentimes squeeze into tight spaces in order to nest in the most comfortable and safe places. Mice, for example, can squeeze through cracks and holes as small as ¼ the size of their body. You may be completely unaware of this problem before it gets out of hand, unless you schedule a caulking service for your facility interiors. This will help prevent pest infestations while providing insulation benefits to your building. 

Plumbing and caulking preventative maintenance are some of your best prevention methods against pests. Keeping water and the elements out of your interiors will make it much more difficult for pests to thrive. 

To learn more about preventative plumbing and caulking services, contact MaintenX today!

Benefits of Handyman vs. Specialized Contractor Services

When you have a repair needed for facility equipment, who do you call? Do you look to your trusted handyman to take a look, or do you go straight to the specialist? Different facility managers have different go-to contractors for their maintenance needs, but its important to know when to go to the specialist versus when your handyman can do the job. Making the wrong choice can, and probably will cost you. 

If you have a trusted handyman at your facility, it may be tempting to contact them for any minor repair to your roofing, plumbing, or HVAC system. However, there are times when a licensed specialist is required to do the job done right. Before you make the call, consider this advice from the facility maintenance experts at MaintenX. 

Call the handyman if you know exactly what the problem is. 

Some repairs don’t need much explaining, and in these cases, a handyman will cost you less. Tasks such as cleaning gutters, changing HVAC air filters, or cleaning floors can be done by the jack-of-all-trades. However, there are times when you need a more deft hand to complete the work. 

Call the specialist if you need a diagnosis. 

If you’re unsure of what’s causing your plumbing, electrical, or HVAC system trouble, always call the specialist. They will be able to complete a diagnostic process that will pinpoint the problem. A handyman will likely tinker and experiment, which can cost you time and potentially cause more problems. 

Call the handyman if the task is simple but bothersome. 

The handyman is there to complete tasks and services that you could do by yourself, but would rather not. A handyman is more skilled in repair work and will be able to get the job done more efficiently. Hiring the handyman will also save your staff from spending time on maintenance tasks that they could better use doing their job duties. A handyman is your best friend for a simple and routine maintenance service.

Call the specialist if the service requires a significant investment in time or parts. 

If the service you need is complex or will require an extended repair time, its best to call a specialist. They have dedicated their career to learning one craft and will be able to expedite the process. Specialists will also have access to a greater variety of tools and materials. This can save you the hassle of tracking down parts on your own time. 

Call the handyman if its a service they’ve completed successfully in the past. 

If you trust your handyman to take care of a more complex service, there is no reason not to call them, especially if they are more affordable. Some of these contractors have experience in a particular trade work and are close in skill level to the specialists. If this is the case and you know they can complete your service on time, call your handyman. 

Call the specialist if this is a first-time problem. 

Your handyman may be reliable, but there are some things that only a specialist should handle. If you’re experiencing a new or novel problem with your HVAC, electrical, or plumbing systems, call the specialist for a diagnosis and repair. You’ll be glad you did. 

MaintenX employs teams of specialized contractors as well as handymen for all kinds of facility maintenance and repair. Our dispatch team carefully selects the contractor for your service based on their experience and specialties. 

For more information about our HVAC, plumbing, electrical, roofing, and general contractor services, contact MaintenX today!

Easy Floor Maintenance Tips For Office Buildings

Flooring can add so much to the design and mood of an office space. It can add brightness or warmth; it can create ambiance and style; it can make your office a safer space to work in some circumstances. But, flooring can also take away from the appearance and health of your facility if not maintained. Flooring that is dirty can hold in bacteria, cause slip-and-fall hazards, or simply bring down the overall appearance of your office. 

If you want to make your office a great place to work, follow these simple floor cleaning and maintenance tips. 

Focus on carpeted areas. 

Carpet is relatively easy to maintain, but if left unchecked it can cause a host of problems at your facility. Carpets hold stains, odors, small pests, and contaminants that hard flooring options simply do not. If you maintain your carpet with regular vacuuming and spot cleaning you can enjoy it for years to come. However, lacking to perform these simple maintenance tasks will slowly but surely degrade your office space. Make sure you prioritize commercial carpet cleaning before other floor services. 

Use a steam mop. 

Traditional bucket mops simply spread dirt and debris around your floor rather than actually cleaning it. This outdated technology can cause more harm than good, so its best to use a steam mop or other disinfecting solution for tile and hardwood. If you don’t have one, chances are your local facility maintenance specialist will!

Use walk-off mats at high-traffic entrances. 

A walk-off mat or welcome mat can reduce tracked-in dirt by up to a surprising 90% or more. It is therefore imperative that you use walk-off mats to your advantage in high-traffic areas. Your main entrance and any other entrance that leads to a dirt, gravel, or natural pathway should have a walk-off mat. This will help you dramatically reduce the cleaning required for your floors and help them last longer. 

Train your staff in proper care and cleaning of floors. 

While you should always schedule professional cleaning and maintenance services for your floor, your staff can take on some of the responsibility. In high-traffic areas such as office spaces, kitchens, or break rooms, ensure our staff knows the standards of cleanliness in place for your facility. By ensuring everyone picks up trash, cleans spills, and vacuums when necessary, you can save yourself from extra professional cleaning expenses. 

Let MaintenX handle the rest. 

MaintenX offers professional flooring cleaning, repairs, and installation services for commercial facilities of all kinds. We help you keep your floors in tip-top shape, and help you save more when it’s time to renovate. If you want the job done right and for an affordable price, choose MaintenX as your floor cleaning experts. 

What To Do When Your General Contractor Is Behind Schedule?

During an installation, repair, or renovation, you put the fate of your facility in someone else’s hands. It can be daunting to trust a contractor to complete work on your property, and things only get worse when they start running behind schedule. Sometimes a change in schedule can be recouped later in the project, but many facility managers experience delays caused by contractors that derail their plans entirely. 

So, what do you do when trust starts to wane between you and your contractor? 

The first thing to do is find out why. Weather and unexpected delays from suppliers, among many others are legitimate reasons for falling behind schedule. Though your contractor should be communicating these to you, there’s no reason to panic when these things happen. However, reworks due to shoddy craftsmanship or subcontractors not showing up on time are all causes for concern. 

If things are still falling behind, you must find better ways to communicate with your contractor. Some contractors will be afraid to report delays if they’ve had poor experiences with past clients. It’s important to encourage communication, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. The more information you have about the progress of your project, the better you’ll be able to manage the rest of your business. Talk to your contractor and figure out methods of communication that work for both of you. 

It’s important with any delay or change in your project that you and your contractor solve the problem together. You may have different expectations and will need the expert guidance from your contractor on how to conduct operations when things aren’t going as planned. They will also want to know your expectations and needs when things go wrong. By working together, you can create a solution that works for everyone. 

If things are still going poorly, you may need to seek outside help. Sometimes it simply won’t work with a contractor, and you’ll need to cut your losses and find an alternate solution. While this is challenging (and sometimes contractually complicated), it’s better to find a contractor who can get the job done right. You can use this experience as a powerful lesson on the value of competent, experienced contractor work. 

At MaintenX, we prioritize your satisfaction over all else. That’s why our contractors finish work on time, and communicate with you consistently to keep everyone in-the-know in the event of delays. Whether it’s for a minor repair or major renovation, MaintenX has your back for all of your facility needs. Contact us today to learn more!  

Common HVAC Maintenance Issues In The Spring And Summer

Your HVAC system is much more than parts running in the background. It’s what provides your tenants and customers relief from the summer heat, and comfort during their day at work. A properly running HVAC system makes your facility a great place to work. A poorly maintained system, on the other hand, will upset tenants and guests and cause expenses to collect quickly. 

Before the summer heat hits your building, call your local HVAC technician to perform a routine check on your system. You may find some of these common problems which can be easily fixed with the right help from your MaintenX team. 

Ductwork is cracking. 

Does your facility have inconsistencies in temperature and airflow? If so, cracks in the ductwork could be at fault. Older HVAC systems develop cracks in the ductwork which can cause airflow to be stronger in one area, and weak in another. This will make tenants miserable in the summer if left unaddressed. Call your MaintenX technician to check ductwork in the springtime to avoid complications. 

Your drain line is clogged.

Just like your air filters, your drain lines can become clogged with dirt, dust, and debris if not regularly cleaned. This is most common in the summer when the HVAC is pushed to capacity. Drain line problems can lead to malfunctions with the entire system, so don’t wait to perform routine maintenance. This will also prevent refrigerant leaks. 

Your belts are wearing thin.  

Your HVAC system’s belts work hard to control the speed, torque, and power of your machine. During the summer they see more wear and tear, so it’s important to ensure they are in good working condition in early spring. If your belts are worn, thinning, or damaged it may be time to replace them. If not, you may simply need to adjust the tension to ensure they perform. 

Your HVAC system is reaching the end of its service life. 

Unfortunately, no HVAC system lasts forever. Most have a service life between 15 to 25 years, and this can be shortened by improper maintenance. You may find out this summer that your HVAC system is reaching the end of its performance. If this happens, it’s time to start looking at energy-efficient replacements. The sooner you start shopping for a new system, the more money you can save on energy reduction costs and repairs. Contact MaintenX today about our installation services. 

MaintenX prioritized your HVAC health and the comfort of your tenants in the summertime. You can learn more about our HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance services here.

Spring Cleaning Tips For Commercial Buildings

Spring is in the air, which means many different things for your facility. You may be preparing to launch your summer marketing campaigns, or gearing up for increased production and inventory for the busy season. However, it is during this busy time that you need to take care of your facility with spring preventative maintenance. 

MaintenX specializes in preventative maintenance, emergency repair, and installation services for commercial facilities of all kinds. We want to help our customers prepare for summer, and recommend they perform these preventative maintenance tasks during the spring season: 

Take care of your exteriors. 

The busy summer season is coming soon. Therefore, now should be the time to schedule pressure washing services, landscaping, window cleaning, and other services to make your building or lot look nice. Your exterior will make the first impression on new customers, so tend to it wisely. A quick pressure wash, window cleaning, and sprucing up of your lawn will make all the difference when summer arrives. 

Invest in landscaping. 

Spring is the perfect time to reinvent an outdoor showroom or lot with landscaping. Flowers will be fresh and grow quickly during this time, and new grass seed will thrive during the rainy months. You can also use this time to add outdoor fixtures, or clean and renovate existing structures outdoors. 

Tend to the flooring. 

During the winter and spring, your floors take a beating. Snow and mud from the rainy seasons will dull the appearance of your flooring over time. Before summer arrives, schedule a cleaning service for your floors, and tend to any cracked tile or worn carpeting. 

Check on your outdoor HVAC units. 

Outdoor HVAC units weather a lot of wear and tear during the fall and winter. Spring is the perfect time to perform a thorough cleaning and preventative maintenance on these systems. If you have a rooftop unit, be sure to clean it of debris and test its performance before the hottest month approach. If you have a ground unit, spend time cleaning it to prevent clogged filters and general outdoor wear and tear. 

If you’re looking for a professional cleaning and maintenance service to take care of these spring cleaning tasks, look no further than MaintenX. We work with self-performing contractors in 13 states to provide the best service to both local and multi-state companies. Contact us today to learn more about our total facility maintenance services.