Tips For Easy Facility Renovations

If it is time to renovate your workplace but you can’t afford to lose any business in the process, planning can be stressful. Not every business can do overnight renovations; they’ll require a team to be in place during normal business hours to finish the project. Extra bodies, noise, and debris can be a big turnoff to your patrons, especially in customer-driven businesses like restaurants and retail. Here are 3 tips to help keep business booming during a renovation.

Tip #1 – Communication is Key

It is highly important to give your employees and customers ample notice about your renovation schedule. Posting signage is an easy way to inform your customers about what is going on and what to expect. Make it a point to stress the fact that the business will remain open and unaffected by anything extra going on within the space. If you have a marketing system in place to keep in touch with your customers, send out an email blast 2-3 weeks prior to the start of renovation. Include renderings of what the finished space will look like, so everyone knows what the disruption is in service of.

Tip #2 – Work in Sections

While it may take longer to complete the job, working in zones ensures that you have enough space to operate your business normally. You can partition the renovation site with plastic curtains to help hide the mess or keep debris confined to the zone currently being worked on. Work with your construction team to schedule when heavy equipment or power tools can be used. You want to keep noise to a minimum.

Tip #3 – Offer a Sale

One way to keep customers coming in during a renovation is to offer a sale or a special. This works especially well in retail or restaurant environments. A good renovation special will entice your regular patrons to continue doing business with you, and can even attract a new client base.

Renovations can be a tricky thing and must be approached correctly. You need to have a trusted and skilled team in place to ensure that your daily business is not affected. If you have considered a renovation in the past but were too concerned about the implications of running your business during the process, contact an expert at MaintenX and find out how to make it work for you.

How to Handle Water Damage

Water damage looks bad, but it can also become a serious threat to your building if it isn’t properly addressed. One of the most common sites for water damage is your ceiling. This is because the source of the issue, a leaky roof, can often go unnoticed until it’s too late, resulting in a giant eyesore staring down at you. Do you know what to do if this happens?

The first and most important step in remedying a water-damaged ceiling is to find the source of the leak. If you have standing water on your ceiling, it needs to be traced to see where it is coming from. The source needs to be addressed and repaired so that future water intrusion does not take place.

Next, your attic or space above the ceiling needs to be completely dried out. Professional teams can come in to remove any standing water and set up high-powered fans to dry the area. Once it’s dry, the ceiling can be cleaned to prevent mold from forming.

Minor damage is relatively easy to tackle. You cannot, however, simply paint over the stain, as the water damage will show through the paint over time. The area must be properly primed first, using a special sealer with water blocker. After being primed, the area can be painted with a high-grade ceiling paint. For more serious damage, the drywall area must be cut out and removed. Again, the new drywall will be primed and painted.

As a note, any time you have water damage you should have an air quality analysis performed to ensure you don’t need mold treatment. If you have signs of water damage on your ceiling, no matter the severity, you need to have a professional inspect the area and give their expert opinion. Don’t wait until it is too late and a minor issue grows. Call MaintenX today to find out more and schedule a service call.

What to Do when Your Foundation Cracks

When was the last time you took a walk around the outside of your building and really inspected the area? Did you get down and pay close attention to your building’s foundation? Most often, business or building owners don’t personally examine the exterior. Landscape and facility maintenance teams are there to keep the exterior looking beautiful and well-manicured, so foundational cracks can be overlooked. But cracks in your foundation can lead to severe problems like building erosion and even mold.

It is a good rule of thumb to have your building’s exterior examined by a professional annually. In environmental conditions like those in Florida, though, there are some things that happen to add to ground settling and foundation cracking. Rain, heat, and wind can all play roles in the decline of your building’s structural integrity.

If foundational cracks are discovered, it is important to address the issue immediately. You need to have an inspection performed to ensure that mold has not penetrated the building and started to spore. Exterior walls directly surrounding the cracks should be scraped, providing a new and flat surface on the wall. Cracks are then filled and painted over with a waterproof paint to seal the exterior surface.

Once the cracks have been directly addressed, it is important to survey the surrounding area to determine what can be done to prevent future foundational cracking. Many businesses do not have proper drainage around their exterior. If there’s standing water, erosion and cracking can become more prevalent.

If your building hasn’t been inspected within the past year, or if you have discovered cracks in your foundation, you need to get a professional out to your facility immediately. These issues need to be resolved prior to the upcoming storm season. Contact MaintenX today to set an appointment with one of our experts.

What to Do when Your Foundation Has Mold

Mold is frightening to any home or business owner. The threat of mold spores traveling through your walls and into your HVAC system, completely taking over your building, is a very real one here in Florida. The climate is hot and humid, and storm season lasts through Summer and Fall, so mold is just something that business owners must consider. So how do you combat foundational mold once it has arrived? Let’s look at what to do.

Foundational mold can occur for many reasons, but the most common cause is moisture getting into tiny cracks in the base of your exterior walls, near the surface of the ground. This moisture penetrates the stucco or concrete walls and does not evaporate, creating a mold breeding ground. If you suspect that mold has formed, you need to get it professionally inspected and properly cleaned. You also need to have an air quality analysis done inside your building to make sure the spores have not spread beyond your foundation and infected your air.

Once the source of the mold has been taken care of and cleaned, the cracks need to be addressed and sealed. Make sure that your landscape drains water away from your building. Many businesses do not have proper drainage systems and promote standing water around the base of the foundation.

If you have suspicions of a mold problem in your foundation or building, or you regularly notice standing water in the landscaping surrounding your building’s exterior walls, you need to get a professional involved. Mold can be a serious issue for your building and the health of those inside. Contact MaintenX today to have an expert come out and assess your situation.

How Often Should Your Office be Cleaned

A clean office is not only an inviting space for guests, but also a healthy environment for employees to be creative and productive. Businesses vary based on size and industry, but one thing generally holds true for all: after hours, the cleaning crew comes in and scours the office for the next day. Have you ever thought, “Is my cleaning crew coming too often?” Worse yet, what if they aren’t coming enough?


While I can’t tell you in an article specifically how often your office should be cleaned, there are a couple things to factor into that determination.


The first thing to take into account is the size of your office. Larger spaces can be difficult to maintain on your own; open space allows for dust and dirt to be spread about the floor and through the HVAC system. Smaller offices are easier to sweep up and accommodate a clean-as-you go mindset and routine.


The other big factor in solving your cleaning schedule is your type of business. If you are a medical facility or dealing with anything associated with sterilization, you need to have your office cleaned multiple times a week, if not daily. If you have a business with high client traffic you will need to clean up at least weekly. Offices with low traffic or employee counts can get away with a less frequent schedule.


If it’s time to get yourself on a cleaning schedule or get a second opinion about what you need, call MaintenX today to schedule a consultation. MaintenX has experts that will guide you in the right direction for your office cleaning and other facility maintenance needs.

Organization for Your Office

Just the thought of organizing your office can be overwhelming. Where do you start, and what do you do with all your stuff? Here are some tips to help you successfully navigate the process.


Before you begin, segment your office space into multiple zones. This will allow you to focus on one manageable area at a time instead of just seeing one big mess. This will help take some of the stress off, since you won’t be overwhelmed by the scale of the task. Some common areas to demarcate include offices, group workspaces, breakroom, reception, and copy room, among others. Now that you have divided, it’s time to conquer.


If you aren’t blessed with an office with massive amounts of storage space, then it might be time to get creative. If you need to utilize open space for storage but want to keep it hidden, line your walls with shelves and cabinets and run a wire from one end to the other, using opposing walls for anchoring. Using your work environment for inspiration, pick out curtains that fit the space and the people inside. You can hang curtains the length of the wire and create a false wall for your storage.


But sometimes your office is just too far gone. You have too many documents to manage, too many employees in one space, or just too much stuff and nowhere to put it. In these cases, the tip is to get a professional involved. Professional organizers can help you plan a new layout with your available space and will know how to use what you have most efficiently. Sometimes, a simple renovation or retrofit can vastly improve your space and make organization a breeze.


If you fall in the category of the latter and need some professional help, don’t fret. The friendly faces of MaintenX are just around the corner. Make the call to have a pro from MaintenX consult with you on your options and strategize on how to best accomplish your goals. What are you waiting for?

Storage Ideas for A Small Workspace

The dream of having the big office in the corner is starting to fade away. Not because promotions are harder to come by; rather, most offices just don’t have large offices anymore. Space is becoming a bigger issue due to a tight labor market and high property values. Whether you’re in a cubicle, shared office or small home office, storage is a problem; reserving space for employees is obviously a more economical use of square footage. Here are a few tips to make the most of your space.


Utilize your walls! Everyone has at least one wall in their dedicated workspace. Floating shelves are a great way to create extra storage. Shelves can house everything from paper organizers to staplers and tape dispensers. Shelves also allow you to get the non-essential items off your desktop, freeing up space to spread out and get down to work.


Get your desk tech off the desk. You can easily find desktop risers for your computer monitor and telephone. These are basically platforms with drawers and allow you to get back some space generally taken up by your tech. These drawers are also great when you are limited on standard desk drawer space or file cabinets.


If you can’t go outward, go upward. This one is a little tricky in some instances, but you have a lot of unused space above you. Using hooks and hanging bins, you can create a floating bin system for general organization. Depending on your style, you can also use these bins as trendy decor.


There are plenty of ways to store your stuff, even in the smallest of spaces. Whether you install shelves on the wall or just do some general desk organization, every little bit helps. The most important thing to remember is to just have fun with it and get creative.

Adding Quiet Outdoor Space to Your Facility

You have the perfect office, set up to be ergonomic and promote productivity. You have filtered air, natural light, and have created a healthy environment for your employees. What about the outside of your building? I’m not talking about how beautiful your landscaping is or how safe the lighting. Do you have a quiet, harmonious space for your employees to relax or enjoy a meal? Studies show that employees with access to a great outdoor space are not only more productive but also use fewer sick days. Creating that space for recharging could be your next facility facelift.


First, you need to select the best location. This space should not be in the front of the building, where higher levels of traffic occur. You want the space to be semi-secluded, which will help to promote privacy and comfort – ultimately leading to relaxation and recharging.


If you have limited space and a higher-traffic area is your only option, you can use clever landscaping to create more privacy. Trees or a strategically planted hedge can section off this quiet space from the otherwise chaotic world.


The next thing you must take into consideration is furniture. You need to balance the need for durability with comfort and design. If you are creating any space for your employees, you need to encourage them to use it by making it appealing. Nobody will want to go sit on a hard, wooden picnic table. Outdoor furniture with soft cushions is still practical and can really add to aesthetic appeal.


Another, and highly important, factor to consider is ambiance. You don’t need to make it over-the-top like a fine dining experience, but you do need to make sure that the right lighting and amenities are present. Many businesses have overnight employees who need proper lighting to feel comfortable and safe when using the outdoor space. You also want to consider local weather and climate. Outdoor fans or space heaters maintain comfortable temperatures, and if you’re in a wet climate, like Florida, you should provide overhead shelter.


If you’re ready to step up your facility’s game and offer a top-notch outdoor space, just know that it isn’t hard to accomplish. With the right amount of planning ahead, and engaging the right team to help bring your concept to fruition, you can easily offer a quiet outdoor space that will be happily used to your firm’s benefit and your employee’s well-being. Call MaintenX today to discuss options and start the process.

Protecting your Facility from a Hurricane

Florida has always been a hurricane hotspot. Over the past two decades, the state has been riddled with powerful storms during the late summer. After taking several seasons off from significant damage, Florida was given a humbling reminder of how brutal Mother Nature can be, in the form of Hurricane Irma. Almost a year later, we all prepare for the 2018 hurricane season – one that meteorologists predict will be even more active than the last. Here is what you need to know to get your facility prepared and protected in case the weather folks are correct.


Have a backup plan. I don’t mean a “Plan B”; it must be comprehensive. Having a backup of your critical data is often overlooked in facility prep. If you don’t already have it in place, utilize an interior closet as a server room that feeds to an offsite backup. Doing this will keep your work and your data protected, and allow for remote work access in case of major damage to your structure.


Have the structural integrity of your roof checked. The roof is usually the first thing to go during a massive storm, and thus is a main source of water intrusion. Having a skilled team inspect your roof and attic can give you insight on any preventative maintenance necessary prior to storm season.


Install storm shutters to protect your most vulnerable entry points. Windows are prime targets for tree limbs and loose debris. By utilizing storm shutters, you protect all your glass (and therefore your interiors) from projectiles propelled by hurricane-force winds.


Survey the landscape for possible threats. This includes everything from tree inspection and trimming to the grade of your pavement and planted areas. Having a professional assess the condition of your trees is an easy way to prevent unnecessary damage. Trimming branches that are unhealthy or too close to your building is much easier than dealing with the fallen aftermath. Also, you want to make sure the grade of your surrounding grounds funnels water away from your building, rather than toward your doors or foundation.


Now is the time to prepare your facility for the upcoming hurricane season. There is much to consider before the next big storm hits, and you need to call a professional for a consultation before they get booked up in the thick of the season. Call MaintenX today to schedule your storm season consultation.

What to Do When There is Water Damage

One of the most gut-wrenching experiences is walking into your office and coming face-to-face with serious water damage. This scenario could be caused by several things – busted pipe, storm or flood damage, leaky roof – but the result is the same. Here is what to do if your building is faced with water damage.


There are two things you need to do immediately when you discover water damage in your building. The first is to contact your insurance company and open a claim. The second is to engage a professional company to mitigate the damage and return you to normal operation as quickly as possible. Once you hire the right team to come in, they will be able to assess the damage, then drain and dry out any remaining water. It is important that the affected area is tested for mold and other health threatening contaminants.


Many people forget that not all water is clean. If you are dealing with water damage from a broken pipe, the water must be tested to ensure there are not any hidden chemical or waste factors to consider. Flooring aside, affected drywall can to spread contaminants rapidly due to its porous nature. If the water has been sitting for a long time, expect the service company to remove and replace that drywall.


If the water damage is significant enough, like that created by leaking roofs and falling water, you need to have the areas behind the drywall inspected. This can become a breeding ground for mold and lead to the demise of the building’s structural integrity.


If you have a building in a place like Florida, you need to prepare a checklist prior to use in the event of water damage. Florida has a lengthy hurricane season, and many buildings are susceptible to such damage. Whether you are dealing with the headache of water damage, or just planning, contact MaintenX today to determine your next and best step.