What To Do About A Refrigerant Leak At Your Facility

A refrigerant leak is serious business that we at MaintenX urge clients to take care of immediately. Not everyone on your staff will realize what the leak is, or why it could be dangerous to their health. That is why preventative maintenance, along with speedy repairs of refrigerant leaks, is our #1 priority for facilities across the country. 

In your air conditioning there is a fluid called refrigerant that removes heat from the environmental air. Refrigerant circulates through your HVAC system, much like oil circulates through your car’s engine. Like your car’s oil, refrigerant doesn’t get “used up,” but is rather recycled to cool your facility every day. However, leaks in the coils can occur over time, allowing refrigerant to seep out of the HVAC system and into your building. 

Refrigerant leaks most commonly occur in older AC units. With extended use, the coils start to break down and eventually develop cracks. Leaks can also occur when the parts are not cleaned properly and contaminated with air pollutants. While this can be prevented with regular maintenance, eventually coils and connections need to be replaced. If your AC is not well maintained, refrigerant will one day leak and cause problems for the entire building.  

Refrigerant leaks are easy to diagnose. The first thing you’ll notice is that your building temperature steadily increases, and won’t cool to the temperature set on the thermostat. Your staff may even diagnose the problem for you with complaints of it getting to hot. If you do notice a decrease in AC efficiency, you may want to call your MaintenX technician for a consult. 

You may think that a refrigerant leak is no big deal. However, at MaintenX we take them very seriously and urge clients to book a consultation as soon as they notice a problem. Here’s what could happen to your air conditioning if you delay a repair of your leaking unit: 

  • HVAC system damage – If your AC is low on refrigerant levels, the system will start to work overtime in order to keep up with the cooling demands. An overworked system will eventually start to break down. Before you know it your compressor will fail, and you’ll have to replace the entire unit.
  • Increased energy use – Because your refrigerant levels are low, your AC will be running nonstop. This will increase your energy usage and therefore your power bill at the end of the month. Studies show that just a 10% decrease in refrigerant levels of an AC unit can increase energy usage by up to 20%. This is a serious expenditure the longer you wait to get it fixed.
  • Health risks to your staff – Refrigerant exposure in small doses is not dangerous, but it has been shown to cause lung damage with prolonged exposure. The fumes are toxic, so if the leak is serious it could pollute the air indoors and make it unsafe to be inside. Refrigerant can also burn the skin, which means your AC can be very dangerous to staff. 

In order to avoid these dangers to your facility and tenants, plan to fix refrigerant problems ASAP. MaintenX is happy to offer fast, reliable, and affordable HVAC repairs to your facility. We are present in 13 states and can guarantee client satisfaction no matter the job. Contact us to learn about preventative maintenance options and affordable HVAC repairs today. 

Water Leaks: Where Is It Coming From And What Do I Do About It?

Water leaks are a serious problem at your facility. It’s like watching money go straight down the drain. Not only are you paying for water that’s spilling onto your floors, but you will inevitably have to pay for repairs to the leak source, as well as any place that suffered from water damage as a result. This can put a large, unexpected dent in your budget. 

While water leaks can sometimes be prevented with professional predictive maintenance service, accidents do happen. When you notice a water leak, the first step is to call your MaintenX technician. The sooner you take care of the problem, the better. Next, follow these steps to minimize damage while you wait for professional help:

Step 1. Check the hot water tank. It is very likely that the water leak could be coming directly from the hot water tank. These tanks have pressure relief valves that, when hooked up directly to a drain, can occasionally leak. Check the drain pipe for leaks, or listen for a hissing sound. The hissing could be water spraying out of your pipes. 

Step 2. Check the bathrooms for leaks. Bathrooms are the most likely areas for facility water leaks. If you notice a leak in the bathroom, listen for the hissing sound of a leak. This noise can help you pinpoint the area where the leak is located, whether in a toilet or sink, which will make repair easier on your technician. If you don’t hear the sound, you can look for leaks in the toilets with food coloring. Add a few drops of food coloring into the lid of each toilet. If after a few minutes you see colored water in the bowl, then your toilet has a leak. Repeat the process with each unit and bathroom until you find the culprit. 

Step 3. Check your meter line. If you can’t find the source of the leak inside the facility, check outside using the meter line. If possible, find the shut-off valve to your facility to temporarily stop the water flow. Next, check the meter line to see if it is still turning. A small dial on the op will continue to move if the leak is between the meter and the building. This means that your leak is outside the facility, and can be more easily located by your technician. They may be able to locate it by looking for muddy, soft areas of the ground or inconsistencies in grass color and growth.

Unfortunately, even these techniques are not surefire ways to find leaks in commercial buildings. Even experienced plumbers can spend hours looking for the exact cause of a leak, which is frustrating for you both. However, by going through these steps while you’re waiting for your MaintenX technician to arrive, you may be able to expedite the process and save on maintenance costs.

For more information about commercial plumbing services, contact MaintenX today! 

6 Benefits Of Replacing Office Building Windows With Energy-Efficient Ones

Windows may not seem like the most obvious upgrade to invest in when you’re looking to decrease energy usage. For most building owners and facility managers, they are simply an aesthetic choice that has no bearing on the performance or efficiency of a building. However, the windows you choose for your facility can greatly impact your bottom line. 

Every part of your building design contributes to its insulation and energy efficiency. Depending on the design of your windows and the outdoor temperature, heat is either lost or gained from them. Energy-efficient windows insulate, minimizing temperature fluctuations by providing a barrier between your facility’s internal and external temperatures. Energy-efficient windows can save you a surprising amount in your monthly energy usage, especially in larger facilities. 

Benefits of Energy-Efficient Windows

  • Cost Savings and Comfort – If you live in a region with a long winter or summer season, installing energy-efficient windows will make a huge difference for your home and your pocket. During the cold or hot months, poorly insulated windows contribute to significant temperature fluctuations. This can make your facility harder to regulate, and therefore less comfortable for staff members. By switching to energy-efficient windows, you can maintain your temperature without running the AC or heat all day. You’ll be able to save money and feel more comfortable when the temperature outside is extreme. 
  • Property value – Sunlight emits ultraviolet rays that can cause damage to interior property. UV rays can fade floors, walls, and other commercial property. Most energy-efficient windows are UV-resistant, and able to block out up to 98% of damaging sunlight from your facility. 
  • Noise reduction – While you may be purchasing energy-efficient windows for cost-saving benefits, you will also notice a significant reduction in noise inside your facility. Energy-efficient windows are typically thicker, which makes it harder for outdoor noise to penetrate through them. This can offer added benefits of comfort to your staff. They may even become more productive when they are not distracted by traffic and other outdoor noise. 
  • Reduced condensation and frost – In extremely cold conditions, older windows tend to form condensation and frost. When the heater runs, condensation collects on the outside of the window, then frosts over when the indoor environment is cooled. While this may not seem like a major issue, frost and condensation can actually cause mold in wooden window frames. Energy-efficient windows, however, are warmer and therefore do not condensate as quickly as older windows. They are also typically installed in insulating frames which do not mold as quickly as traditional wooden frames. 
  • Reducing environmental impact – Many modern businesses are taking their environmental impact more seriously. Not only does energy efficiency improve their bottom line, but it contributes to the sustainability of their company, family, and community. Energy-efficient windows can reduce your carbon emissions by lowering overall energy consumption. Coupled with other energy-efficient measures, insulated windows will help reduce your carbon footprint over time.
  • A better view and natural light – Because traditional windows do little to protect your home from unwanted heat and UV lights, many facility managers use tinted glazing, blinds, or other obstructions to reduce sunlight. Because energy-efficient windows provide these benefits, you can enjoy the sunlight in your office space without the harmful heat and UV rays. Many employees enjoy natural sunlight in their workspace, contributing to an overall better and more productive work environment. 

If you’re interested in making the switch to energy-efficient windows, call MaintenX for help. Our technicians can offer product recommendations suited for your facility, and give quotes for installation services required. Choose MaintenX for your energy optimization needs. 

4 Ways To Detect HVAC Issues Early On

Facility managers are under a great deal of pressure to cut costs and eliminate downtime whenever possible. Equipment failures, especially in crucial appliances like the HVAC unit, are unacceptable when you’re managing operations for a large facility of tens or hundreds of staff members. In order to eliminate the problem of unexpected downtime, many facility managers are investing in predictive maintenance as their primary solutions. 

Your HVAC unit is an often overlooked but nevertheless vital part of your facility’s operational efficiency. In extremely warm or cold climates, employees cannot work without proper heating and air conditioning. Ventilation is also required for offices and work spaces to reduce indoor air pollution and contaminants exposed to your staff. If your HVAC unit broke down, even for a few hours, you would have to release employees and stop production for the day. This is a facility manager’s worst nightmare. 

However, there are several simple ways in which you can prevent HVAC maintenance issues before they result in failures. A MaintenX technician can help you spot these four warning signs with regular predictive and preventative maintenance checks:

Leaking and water damage 

If you notice a leak coming from the AC unit, you could have one of two problems on your hands. Either the refrigerant in your unit is leaking, which can be a serious health hazard, or the drain tube that disposes of condensation is leaking. Refrigerant leaks are serious and should be taken care of immediately by a professional. A leaking drain tube is not necessarily an emergency, but can cause mold or rusting if not addressed. If you notice a leak or water damage near your AC, call your MaintenX technician to perform a diagnosis. 

Compressor issues 

During the summertime, your AC is working overtime to keep the building cool. In older units, this can cause issues with your AC’s compressor. You can detect when a compressor is running inefficiently because it will not be able to cool your facility at the temperature set by the thermostat. The building will be warmer than what you set, especially in the middle of the day when the air outside is warmest. If the compressor is at its life’s end, it may even distribute warm air during the day. If your AC unit cannot cool your facility, no matter how long it runs, it’s time to call your MaintenX technician to repair or replace the part. 


Because of the moisture in your AC’s ductwork, evaporator coils, and drip pans, mold can eventually develop inside the unit. This can pose serious health risks if the mold is not spotted by an HVAC technician early on. You may be able to see the mold around the vents or can smell the mildew around the unit. If this is the case, contact MaintenX immediately to resolve the issue. 

Prevent it all with predictive maintenance

You can prevent most HVAC problems when you schedule regular predictive and preventative maintenance checks with your technician. A MaintenX technician will be able to detect and diagnose issues before they become health risks to your staff or risks to your building’s productivity. According to the New Building Institute, predictive maintenance technology can save you as much as $1 per square foot in energy and maintenance expenditures. These savings add up and can put more money in your pocket for the future of your business. 

Contact MaintenX today to learn about our predictive and preventative maintenance services for HVAC units. 

Energy-Efficiency Loan Options for Small Businesses

Energy efficiency is a hot topic in the corporate world for many reasons. It is the key to long-term sustainability for our economy, as well as for individual enterprises looking to stay on the cutting edge. Green businesses not only positively impact the environment, they also cut costs and reinvest savings into innovation. If you believe in the future of your company, investing in energy efficiency is paramount to success. 

The money you save with green technology not only makes for better profit margins but can position your brand in a new way to consumers. However, finding the initial capital to switch to energy-efficient machinery and energy inputs can be tricky. When choosing between the long-term benefits of green technology and the immediate benefits of new product releases, marketing investment, or hiring new staff, you can guess what most businesses will choose. 

It is for this reason that many states, municipalities, and private lending companies offer low-interest loan programs for commercial energy upgrades. These loans can be used to purchase energy-efficient equipment for your facility. You may even be able to make loan payments as part of your monthly power bill. These initiatives make it easier than ever to go green for your company. The states have a special interest in energy efficiency programs for the environmental impact they can provide. But, why should business owners and facility managers be mindful of their energy use?

Benefits of Energy Efficiency for Your Business:

  • Your bottom line – When you choose to upgrade to energy-efficient equipment, you can reduce your overall operating costs. If you are renting the facility, energy-efficient upgrades can increase property value and therefore justify an increase in rental rates.
  • Your brand positioning – Today’s consumers are more invested in brand image and impact than in previous decades. A green company is more marketable to environmentally-conscientious consumers, and can even raise prices because of their positive brand image. Green companies also receive more positive media attention than those only meeting minimum requirements. 
  • Reduce your company’s carbon footprint – Going green isn’t just right for your business, it’s also the right thing for your future. Future generations of your family and business will reap the benefits of the changes you make today by reducing CO2 emissions.

MaintenX is headquartered in Tampa, Florida, and we like to help our local clients find green energy initiatives they can take advantage of in the area. We encourage Tampa businesses to take advantage of the Tampa Electric Commercial Energy Efficiency Utility Rebate Program. 

This program offers rebates for heat recovery and duct repair if businesses meet certain energy efficiency requirements with their heat recovery, lighting, insulation, HVAC, and other onsite equipment. If you are a Tampa business owner, take some time to look into the program and what your facility requires before it is eligible. If you are in another state that MaintenX serves, contact your local team to find out if there are similar offers near you. 

MaintenX helps small businesses and corporations across the U.S. find energy-efficient alternatives for their everyday facility equipment. If you are interested in our installation services for green technologies, contact us today!

Affordable HVAC Upgrades To Consider For Your Facility

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning: the essentials of comfort in your facility or office building. Without a proper HVAC system, your staff will not only be uncomfortable but also unproductive and exposed to poor indoor air quality. Your HVAC system is surprisingly important to your facility, but is yours qualified to handle the job?

If you’re dissatisfied with your HVAC unit, it could be time for an upgrade. However, new installations can be costly. You may not feel as if you have room in your maintenance budget for such an undertaking. However, there are situations in which an upgrade can add comfort while also minimizing your maintenance expenses. 

Benefits of Upgrading Your HVAC System:

  • Employee or tenant comfort – Those occupying your facility will be more comfortable in their environment, leading to increased productivity and customer satisfaction. 
  • Increased property value – If you own a rental property or make your income from regular tenants at your facility, an upgraded HVAC unit can justify a higher property value and higher rental rates.
  • Product quality assurance – If your facility manufactures a product with high standards, a state-of-the-art HVAC system can improve the manufacturing environment and remove potential contaminants from the air. 
  • Lower energy costs – An upgraded HVAC unit will operate more efficiently, thereby reducing your monthly power expenditures. 

If you believe it’s time for an upgrade, talk to your MaintenX HVAC technician for product recommendations and installation services. The HVAC unit best-suited for your facility will depend on the size and requirements for the building, as well as your local climate. Depending on what your MaintenX technician recommends, there are several options you may want to consider when shopping for a new unit: 

Three HVAC Upgrades to Consider

  • Size and capacity upgrade – HVAC units are sized based on the total square footage of your building, as well as the level of insulation and number of openings (such as doors and windows) present on each floor. You may require an upgrade if you’ve added space to your facility, or have recently installed new doors or windows. However, bigger isn’t always better. Talk to your MaintenX expert about providing a load calculation on your building before purchasing a new unit. 
  • Energy-efficiency upgrade – Energy-efficient HVAC units not only save you money but can improve property value and profitability for your facility. An Energy Star Certified building is typically more efficient than 75% of other commercial buildings and can save you significantly in your monthly energy bills. An energy-efficient HVAC unit is the first step to making your building greener and helping you save money. 
  • HVAC style upgrades to improve curb appeal – Not all HVAC systems are made equally. Many older systems are large, noisy, and run down, making them a distraction to visitors of your lot. Newer HVAC units are typically smaller for their load capacity, quieter, and can be installed in less visible places such as the rooftop of your facility. An aesthetic upgrade may seem like a small change, but it can make a big impact on your facility’s appearance and performance. 

An HVAC upgrade can save you hundreds on maintenance and energy costs. While the MaintenX team is always available for repairs and preventative maintenance checks, we prefer our customers need us as little as possible. Choosing to upgrade your HVAC unit now will make life much easier down the road. 

Talk to your MaintenX expert to learn about HVAC installation service and maintenance options for your facility.

Indoor Air Pollutants You Need To Watch Out For

In the 21st century, air pollution is at an all-time high. In a world where over 90% of the population lives in areas with low air quality (according to the World Health Organization), it is imperative for businesses to take action in offering a safe work environment for their staff. You may believe that the majority of air pollution is outdoors, caused by car exhaust and factory fumes. However, some of the most dangerous air pollutions is found inside offices and buildings. 

The Environmental Protection Agency has listed indoor air pollution as one of the top environmental health risks to Americans. In fact, the EPA believes that indoor air can be up to 100 times more dangerous than outdoor air. Indoor air pollution comes with a long list of health risks including:

  • Cancer 
  • Cardiovascular disease 
  • Lung disease
  • Neuroinflammation 
  • Kidney damage 
  • Birth defects and lower birth weight

Decreased life expectancy

Indoor air pollution is a serious problem that could affect you and your staff. However, there are several steps you can take to prevent air pollution from invading your facility. Here are the top indoor air pollutants in commercial buildings, and what you can do to keep them away:


Benzene is a known carcinogen and air pollutant found in gasoline, plastics, synthetic fibers, car exhaust, paint, glue, and even some pesticides. While it is not particularly common, it can pose some serious health risks. Avoid products that contain benzene, and if your facility is close to a gas station, have employees limit exposure to the fumes. 


Radon is a natural gas that rises from the earth. Natural doesn’t mean safe though; it is a very dangerous air pollutant and the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. Some areas of the country are more prone to radon exposure than others, but all facilities should take steps to prevent staff exposure. Radon can pollute indoor air through lack of ventilation, cracks in walls and flooring, openings in piping, and joints in concrete. Protect your facility by performing regular maintenance inspections and maintain healthy ventilation throughout your building. 

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 

VOCs are chemical compounds that vaporize at low temperatures. They are typically aromatic and can be found in paints, cleaning products, fabrics, pesticides, and upholstery. Not all are dangerous, but synthetic VOCs can cause damage to health after long-term exposure. The best way to prevent exposure is by limiting your staff’s exposure to cleaning products and other synthetics with known VOCs. A high-quality ventilation system will also limit exposure. 


Formaldehyde is a common VOC with a very distinct odor. It is used in flooring materials, paints, and fabrics. While formaldehyde is very common, it can cause respiratory problems after prolonged exposure. By eliminating common sources of formaldehyde in your facility, as well as installing a quality ventilation system, you can ensure excellent indoor air quality for your employees and customers.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is the most well-known indoor air pollutant, for it can be deadly. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and incredibly dangerous, which is why you need a CO detector in your facility. Install a detector in every office building and staffed area of your facility. 


While many pollutants are man-made, our environment also causes a substantial number of health risks. The EPA lists several biological indoor air pollutants common in commercial buildings including:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Molds
  • Dried rodent urine
  • Mildew spores and hyphae

Avoid these pollutants with proper ventilation and regular cleaning of your facility. 

If you have questions about the risks and prevention method for indoor air pollution, contact MaintenX today. 

Energy-Saving Tips For Late Summer

We may be past Labor Day, but in many parts of the country the summer heat is still beating down. With temperatures in the 80s and 90s every day, it can be difficult for facility managers to keep energy costs down. While you don’t want your employees to suffer from the heat, the summer power bill can make your head spin. Luckily, there are many ways in which you can lower your summer energy costs without sacrificing comfort. 

MaintenX technicians don’t like the summer heat any more than our clients do. HVAC units typically break down in the summer from overuse; not the time when our technicians want to be working on the rooftops all day. We recommend preventative maintenance services to clients throughout the year to avoid costly HVAC breakdowns and elevated power costs. In addition to taking care of your equipment and appliances, you can implement these changes to reduce your power bill until autumn:

Research solar energy alternatives.

The days may be getting shorter in late summer, but the sun is still out past closing time for most businesses. If you haven’t looked into solar energy alternatives, now is the time to do so. Solar energy installations can be expensive, but the cost-savings in comparison to conventional energy are unparalleled. Plus, many states and municipalities offer incentive programs for small businesses that incorporate solar energy into their building design. 

Install a smart thermostat for your office space.

A great deal of energy is wasted in office spaces due to inefficient heating and cooling. Some offices don’t touch their thermostat at all, letting the cold air blast through the night. Others will constantly change it, making their HVAC units work harder to adjust to the ever-changing temperature. The most efficient way to manage your office’s temperature is with a smart thermostat. These thermostats can be programmed to change according to your office’s needs and preferences. They are a “set it and forget it” solution that can help cut down your power bill in both summer and winter. 

Replace your outdated air conditioning unit.

If your power bill is through the roof, your outdated AC could be to blame. Most facilities don’t replace AC units frequently, meaning that your unit could be overworked and inefficient. Maintenance experts recommend replacing your AC unit every 15 to 20 years. However, if you live in a hot climate that expiration date may be sooner. The next time a MaintenX technician visits your facility, request an HVAC inspection to see if your unit needs an upgrade. 

Schedule regular AC maintenance. 

Even if your AC isn’t in need of an upgrade, it could very well need maintenance in the late summer. If you’re experiencing problems at this time of year, call your MaintenX technician for a maintenance checkup. The technician will check and replace the filters, examine pipes and connections to prevent leaks, and alert you of any major repairs required. Basic preventative maintenance can extend the life of your unit and help to lower energy consumption due to an overworking unit. 

If you have questions about how MaintenX preventative maintenance services can help you, contact us today for a consultation. 

The Differences Between Preventative And Reactive Maintenance

In almost every scenario, it’s better to prevent a problem than react to it. In the workplace, it’s better to work with a struggling employee than react to a mistake. It’s better to communicate with a client on mutual expectations than react to their complaints. And, in the maintenance world, it’s better to prevent an equipment failure than work hard to fix it. 

Equipment and appliance repair can be costly, but can lead to even more costly replacement if not handled in a timely manner. Most manufacturers offer recommendations for regular maintenance, though not all equipment failures can be predicted. This is why it’s imperative to implement preventative maintenance into your facility’s regular maintenance schedule. 

Preventative maintenance should be a routine that adapts to your equipment’s needs over time. A preventative maintenance checklist includes tasks such as cleaning, routine part replacement, and inspection, but it evolves to meet the specific needs of your facility. Preventative maintenance provides the roadmap for performance optimization of all your facility’s equipment, from factory machines to office appliances. 

Preventative maintenance not only extends the life of your facility equipment, but it can also prevent workplace injuries. Well-running machines are less likely to fail on the job, which in a high-risk environment is imperative to employee safety. Even if you work in a low-risk environment, preventative maintenance can keep your staff safe and offer them a better working environment throughout the day. 

While MaintenX recommends preventative maintenance services for all our clients, we understand that some issues cannot be prevented. All equipment eventually starts to break down, and accidents will undoubtedly occur. In these instances, reactive maintenance is required.

Experienced maintenance staff will help recommend preventative maintenance measures that increase equipment performance while minimizing unnecessary repairs to keep your costs down. 

Preventative and reactive maintenance both have their place and time. However, by learning more about the maintenance processes of your facility, you can better budget time and resources allocated to equipment tuneups and inspections. With MaintenX technicians to help, you can easily increase efficiency throughout the building. Preventative maintenance will keep energy costs down, improve staff working conditions, and help you avoid downtime due to unexpected equipment repairs. 

Talk to the MaintenX team today to learn more about your preventative maintenance options. We are here to help facility managers improve every day with affordable services and a five-star nationwide contractor network.

The Differences Between Routine And Emergency Maintenance

Managing facility maintenance is a balancing act. While the upkeep of building machinery and equipment is necessary to maintain peak performance, maintenance labor costs can weigh down your budget. Understanding the difference between routine requirements and emergency maintenance can help you optimize your maintenance operations and budget for the future. 

Routine maintenance includes the regularly scheduled repairs and inspections required for facility machinery, appliances, and equipment. These maintenance tasks can be scheduled throughout the week during normal business hours. Examples of routine maintenance may include: fixing a small faucet leak, replacing refrigerant and air filters in an AC unit, and pressure washing the exterior. 

Working with the maintenance staff to create a regular schedule for these tasks is called preventative maintenance. Scheduling ahead is more cost- and time-efficient than addressing maintenance as it comes, making costs predictable while increasing equipment lifespan and reliability.

However, even if you keep up with your routine maintenance, emergencies will happen. Major leaks (ones causing flooding or water damage), factory equipment failure, or a lack of power, heating, or air conditioning during the work day can all surprise a business. Any maintenance issue that impedes the work environment is considered an emergency. You should have the emergency maintenance number posted in your office, as emergency requests should never be submitted online. 

Always call your MaintenX team if you notice an emergency maintenance situation. If you don’t, you may have to deal with costly repairs later. Or, you may be able to use a quick fix on your own until the regular maintenance team can assist you. In either situation, you are preventing unnecessary costs by making that call ASAP.

By understanding the differences between routine and emergency maintenance, you can make sound, cost-effective decisions for your facility. MaintenX technicians are always available to answer your maintenance questions. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, we are just a call away from finding a solution for your facility. 

Call MaintenX today to learn about our preventative maintenance solutions.