Outsourcing vs. Staffing Your Own Maintenance Program

Facility maintenance is to a business what personal health care is to a body. Maintenance keeps a building in good shape through day-to-day operations and helps it recover quickly in the event of an emergency. And, just like health care, different services are required for different needs. You need daily resources to maintain your health, as well as on-call services for emergency situations. 


Facility maintenance can be broken up into two similar categories. Janitorial maintenance is daily care. These onsite employees take out trash, clean floors and windows, and ensure that the basic maintenance tasks of any building are handled with care. Your specialists, on the other hand, are available for less frequent but more technical (or in some cases emergency) repairs. Choosing the right staffing for your needs is essential in keeping costs low for your maintenance labor, while ensuring you always have the right people for the job. 


Below are some questions you should ask before choosing to hire a full-time janitorial staff, or outsourcing specialized facility maintenance services: 


Is the project or service short-term (i.e. only planned for a few months) or scheduled on an as-needed basis? Or, is this the type of work where you will need staffing every day? 

Some maintenance work, such as janitorial service, can and should be staffed in-house so you can have daily management. However, you won’t need things like HVAC or plumbing repairs every day. Hopefully, these services will only be necessary on a monthly or quarterly basis, which is the circumstance where it is best left to an outsourced team. Other short-term projects, such as remodels and renovations, are also better suited to an outsourced staff. 


Do you have the budget to pay for employee benefits? 

One major benefit of outsourcing from a contractor network is that you do not have to worry about the red tape of hiring. You don’t have to pay for insurance or sick leave, match 401K plans, or pay for training. For jobs that you don’t have the time or budget for full-time employees, you can choose to outsource to a facility maintenance service. 


Do you need a specialist or do you simply need a handyman?

You may be able to hire a handyman full-time, but for specialized services such as plumbing repair or commercial refrigeration maintenance, you’ll want to choose a contractor. This will help you save money while still receiving expert care for your building.  


Can you hire the best technicians in your area?

It can be difficult to find the best of the best in facility maintenance to hire as full-time staff. Specialized technicians often pursue lucrative independent contractor work because there is just not enough demand from one business. MaintenX, on the other hand, offers you the best local service technicians who work in an independent contractor network. It’s the best of both worlds. You receive the quality work of full-time staff, but in a way that is cost-effective and efficient. 


For more information on our self-performing contractor network and facility maintenance services, contact us today!

Five Reasons It’s Not Cool Enough In Your Office

Summer is here, and we’re all trying to escape the heat. In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, all of our clients are struggling to deal with the heat and humidity. Many have tenants or staff complaining about the indoor temperature, which is the last thing any facility manager wants to happen. While you may think that your HVAC system is to blame, there are many reasons why it’s too hot inside your facility. 

Below are the five most-common building issues we see that contribute to uncomfortable temperatures during the summer. Contact your local MaintenX team if you believe you may be dealing with any of these: 

Space issues. 

If your HVAC unit is not sized properly, it will have a difficult time cooling properly. This will happen if you’ve recently remodeled and the size of the space to be cooled is now larger. This can also happen if your HVAC system is oversized, because it will turn off and on too frequently to maintain a proper temperature. If your facility’s size or usage has changed, you may need to resize your HVAC system as well. 

Air leaks. 

Energy-efficiency isn’t just about the HVAC system itself. A building with air leaks, such as cracks in walls or windows, can allow conditioned air to escape and warm air from outside to come in. This will make it more difficult for your HVAC system to run efficiently, especially if it is an older unit. Do your part by caulking and sealing air leaks whenever you detect them. 

Too much sunlight. 

Having natural light in an office space is ideal, but it can increase your power bill. South and west-facing windows will warm up your space, causing the A/C to work harder. To solve this problem, invest in UV blocking windows or shades to keep unnecessary natural light out. 

Electric heat. 

Sunlight isn’t the only emitter of heat in your office space. Electronics such as computers, copiers, and appliances generate heat whenever they are in use, which makes it more difficult for your A/C to maintain a constant temperature in warmer months. When not in use, turn off or unplug these electronics as well as any unnatural lights that generate heat. 

Repair and maintenance. 

If you are not diligent about your HVAC repair and maintenance, you will inevitably face problems with your system during summer. The hot months will test your HVAC system’s limits, and poor maintenance will become evident as you struggle with inefficiencies and breakdowns. Proper preventative care is your #1 solution to keeping a cool office. 

MaintenX offers comprehensive preventative maintenance and emergency repairs for commercial facilities in all states. Our self-performing contractor network consists of well-trained, dedicated technicians who care about your end results. To learn more about our HVAC repair services, contact your local MaintenX team today!

How To Switch To A Different Maintenance Contractor

Are you unhappy with your current maintenance service provider? Perhaps you’ve been with the same company for many years, and haven’t seen the improvements you’d like over time. Or, you feel like the contractor you’re currently working with is doing a sub-par job. If you’re unsatisfied with your maintenance job, you should seriously consider switching companies. Maintenance is an essential part of your facility management and should be held to a high standard of excellence. 

Subpar maintenance can negatively impact the health of your facility as well as your bottom line. However, switching contractors isn’t always easy. If you’re considering upgrading your maintenance service, here is what you need to do: 

Evaluate your service. 

Before switching contractors or breaking a contract early, you need to carefully evaluate your current service. You want to pinpoint the areas of service that are dissatisfying, as it will help you when terminating your contract. Knowing what’s lacking in your current service will also help you better communicate with a new contractor what you need and expect from your service. This evaluation process may also help you improve your current service if breaking the contract early is not an option. 

Check the terms of your contract.

The evaluation stage is critical, as you may be in a position where you need to break your current contract. If this is the case, check your agreement to see if there are penalties or stipulations in breaking the contract early. You may be able to negotiate out of these penalties if you can show how service was subpar. Hopefully, you can negotiate better service until you’re able to switch, but if not you need to go into negotiations informed. 

Ask the right questions. 

Before you’ve terminated your agreement with your current provider, you need to find the right replacement. This can be difficult if you don’t have a relationship with any other contractor. Ask these questions to find the service provider that will provide the best service based on your facility needs: 

  • How long have you been in business?
  • What areas of maintenance do you specialize in? 
  • How many technicians are on your team, and on average how many will be sent out to perform services?
  • Do you provide emergency services, and if so what is your average response time?
  • How do you manage work order requests? 
  • What training do your technicians receive, and what are their qualifications?
  • Can you provide references and testimonials?

Depending on their answers you can find the right contractor that will be able to serve you well. 

If you’re interested in learning about MaintenX’s self-performing network of contractors, contact us today. We serve 13 states with full-service preventative and emergency maintenance with a satisfaction guarantee. With over 40 years of industry experience, MaintenX can help you with all of your facility needs. 

How Color Can Improve Your Landscape Design

How often do you think about your landscape? As someone who spends a lot of time at your building, the details in the landscaping might evade you. It all becomes normal after a while, and you may not want to invest anymore other than maintenance in your outdoor showroom or storefront lawn. However, this can be a major mistake in facility management. 

Landscaping aids in your curb appeal, which is important not just for customer retention, but for getting the highest price on a commercial facility you’re ready to sell. Landscaping, and more importantly the colors of the landscape, can affect how tenants or clients feel when entering and leaving a facility. If you choose right, you can make a powerful impact on your facility with a few landscaping design tips. 

Studies show that people, on average, make judgment calls on an environment, idea, or people within 90 seconds of their first impressions. Further research shows that a majority of this snap judgment is actually based on color. Color is more pervasive and impactful in the world than we think. By choosing color schemes that fit with your brand, you can positively impact everyone who visits or works at your facility. 

Flowers and greenery are the simplest way to boost your curb appeal with color. By choosing flowers that compliment your brand image, you can easily send a message to visitors. Warm colors such as reds, pinks, and orange flowers create a sense of excitement and childlike innocence. They are ideal for places like hospitals, schools, or creative centers where feelings of happiness (or conversely, the reduction of anxiety) are promoted. However, if you operate a B2B business or a tech center, cool tones such as purples and greenery will set the tone for a place that is calm, collected, and focused. 

Color can make these kinds of impacts on your facility if you take the time to think about color scheme and intent. Talk with your landscaping service to find cost-effective ways to redesign and liven up your landscaping. These small changes can reinvent your facility in astonishing ways. 

To learn more about landscaping tips and outdoor maintenance, visit the MaintenX resource center or contact us! 

Insider Information You Need About Air Duct Maintenance

Air ducts are a seemingly insignificant part of your HVAC system that most facility managers don’t think about too often. For most facilities, they’re “out of sight, out of mind.” However, your air ducts are the single-most-important part of the HVAC system that maintains indoor air quality. They are the lifeblood of your system, filtering the air and supplying it to different areas of your facility. 

Despite the crucial role that your air ducts play in the health of your facility, many facility managers neglect to maintain them as they should. Maintenance service is typically scheduled when dust starts to accumulate or when odors start to offend tenants. However, these are signs that your system has been running efficiently for quite a while. The best maintenance plan is the one that prevents these air quality issues from ever showing. 

Air duct cleaning begins by putting the entire HVAC system under negative air pressure to remove dust particles. Different specialized removal techniques are used for different types of systems, which means that a professional should always be utilized to clean the ductwork. Your MaintenX HVAC technician can diagnose your ductwork issues and provide a customized cleaning solution with lasting results. 

Typically, air ducts should be inspected, and potentially cleaned every year. Waiting for dust to accumulate or odor to spread is an ineffective way to schedule air duct cleanings, as this can cause damage to your system as a whole. While some facilities may not need cleaning annually, you should still schedule this service to prevent emergency maintenance services. 

In most cases, ductwork cleaning should be scheduled after normal operating hours. This process can kick up dust and dirt which could be uncomfortable or hazardous to tenants. The HVAC system will also need to be shut off, so the indoor temperature may become uncomfortable. Duct cleaning equipment can also be noisy, all of which can disrupt operations. If you operate a 24-hour facility, there are accommodations your MaintenX team can provide to minimize disruptions or speed up service to minimize the closure. 

Regardless of your facility’s size, air duct cleaning is essential for the health and performance of your building. MaintenX makes it easy and affordable to keep air ducts clean with our comprehensive HVAC maintenance services. We provide preventative care through a self-performing contractor network. Whether you want to schedule annual inspections or need an emergency service, MaintenX is here to help. 

Contact us today for more details!

How To Choose A Commercial Generator Before Hurricane Season

For those of us on the coast, hurricane season is a serious consideration during the summer. Businesses in Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, must be vigilant for storm warnings, for they can spell disaster to a facility and its tenant company. Even if a building is not physically affected by a storm, power outages after major hurricanes can last for weeks. That’s why we recommend that every commercial facility invests in a backup generator for operations continuity and safety of staff. 

Backup generators allow your business to stay afloat even after a brutal hurricane. Some industries, such as healthcare and emergency response, are required to have backup generators to provide 24/7 service to the community. However, not every facility will need the same capacity generator for their operations. Here’s what you should consider before choosing a commercial generator for hurricane season. 

Fuels types

Backup generators are run on gasoline, propane, diesel, natural gas, or in some instances solar energy. The fuel type of your generator will greatly impact its cost, efficiency during hurricanes, and ease of use. Some fuel types may be safer or cheaper, but you must also consider whether you will be able to effectively transport the fuel, or whether it will provide the power you need for several weeks at a time. 

Size requirements

Generators are built to serve every building size from a single room in an office to entire hospitals at full capacity. Depending on the nature of your business, you may only need minimal power to continue operations after a hurricane. If your employees are able to work from home or do not need your facility space, then a small generator may be best suited to your needs for the bare minimum essential business. However, if your facility is integral to the community (for example, a grocery store or gas station), you will need a higher-powered generator to ensure that operations are minimally disrupted. 

Maintenance requirements

The larger and more powerful the generator, the more maintenance will be required to keep it operational during the summer. A portable generator will likely only need testing periodically to ensure it can power basic office needs. However, larger installed generators will need periodic preventative maintenance from a trained electrician. 

MaintenX provides installation and electrical maintenance services for businesses from coast to cast. We take hurricane season very seriously and will work with you to create solutions that work. Contact us today to learn more!

Best Refrigeration Brands For Commercial Facilities

MaintenX is a leader in repairs and preventative service for commercial refrigeration. Your refrigeration system is essential to operations and therefore needs professional attention to make it last. If you are the owner or manager of a restaurant, bar, or commercial kitchen, you need the best in the industry, and that’s what MaintenX provides. 

We offer comprehensive refrigeration repair and preventative maintenance including ice machine cleaning, low-temperature refrigeration maintenance, and installations. However, even a disaster-proof maintenance plan will be ineffective without a quality refrigerator brand. We work with some of the top U.S. manufacturers to ensure our clients get everything they need out of their commercial refrigerator. Some of the brands we work with are below: 

  • Master-Bilt – This manufacturer provides quality walk-in refrigeration and freezers, as well as a variety of foodservice equipment for every facility’s needs. 
  • Turbo Air – From commercial coolers and freezers to prep tables and more, Turbo Air has you covered. They focus on quality and consistency and are an affordable brand for most businesses. 
  • Trenton – Refrigeration systems from Trenton are innovative and include lifelong support for your equipment. 
  • Heatcraft – Heatcraft is an all-inclusive climate control solution serving over 70 countries. They are a leader in the industry and provide climate control for industries outside foodservice. 
  • Tecumseh – Tecumseh offers a wide variety of products to suit every environment, application, and budget. 
  • Zero Zone – Zero zone is considered a highly customer-centric company because they focus on ease of use and integrity of design with each refrigeration product. 
  • Hussmann – Hussman designs both display and performance refrigeration for all companies in foodservice. They are top-rated in the industry for their quality products. 

MaintenX can help you choose the right brand and model to install for your facility. Your individual needs, budget, and applications are considered before your refrigeration specialist makes a recommendation. We can help you install models from any of these brands, and provide continuing service for your refrigeration system. 

To learn more about our comprehensive HVAC/R services, contact MaintenX today!

Best HVAC Brands For Commercial Facilities

Your heating, air conditioning, and ventilation system is critical in any commercial environment. It protects the health of your tenants, provides comfort, and will cost you greatly in energy consumption if not well-maintained. At MaintenX, we prioritize HVAC system maintenance for all clients because of the critical role it plays in facility health and operations. 

Our HVAC and Refrigeration Division at MaintenX provides comprehensive maintenance and repair services for clients of every size and budget. We work hard to ensure that your HVAC system is in good working order by providing preventative care as well as timely and affordable emergency repairs. However, no amount of maintenance can make up for a low-quality HVAC system. That’s why we also help facilities install some of the top-rated systems in the country. 

Some of the brands we recommend include: 

  • Carrier – This manufacturer has over a century of experience in the industry, providing leading models to protect the health of your tenants. 
  • Trane – Trane goes above and beyond in terms of customer service and quality manufacturing. They offer specific resources for facility managers to protect and extend the service life of your HVAC system. 
  • Lennox – Lennox is a leader in energy-efficient HVAC systems, helping you save more and use less at your facility. 
  • York – York HVAC units are efficient, high-performance, and built to reduce sound for tenant satisfaction.  
  • Daikin – Daikin provides an extensive product line of HVAC solutions, from split system AC units to advanced heating and cooling technology. 
  • McQuay – McQuay creates flexible solutions for small commercial facilities and major industrial sites alike. They are a part of Daikin Industries. 

In addition to the installation of these major manufacturers, MaintenX provides maintenance and repair services for all models. We have an experienced self-performing contractor network that is specially trained for commercial applications. Some of our HVAC services include: 

  • Air conditioning and dehumidification equipment repair
  • Filter and HEPA replacement
  • Exhaust and ventilation fan repairs and replacement
  • Preventative maintenance

Contact your local MaintenX today for more information on our HVAC services!

How To Choose Paint Colors For Your Commercial Facility

Color plays a critical role in the perception of any space. Your color scheme may seem inconsequential in a commercial facility, but it can impact your staff performance, tenant satisfaction, and overall comfort inside your building. Choosing a dull white or gray because it is easy or cheap can be a big mistake depending on the goals and purpose of your space. 

The tone and warmth of your colors is possibly the most impactful element of color in a commercial facility. Warm colors inspire creativity and collaboration, and are ideal for shared workspaces or creative, energizing environments. Modern office and creative spaces can use warm, muted tones effectively to bring out the best in their staff. However, cool tones are effective in providing comfort, increasing concentration, and putting clients at ease. Spaces that are designed for individual work or areas of high-stress for clients (such as healthcare facilities or law offices) can use cool tones to put tenants at ease. 

Contrasting neutral cool colors with bright accents can achieve the best of both worlds if done with careful consideration. You don’t want colors that are too similar or that clash. And, as a rule of thumb, bright primary colors and highlighted tones should be used sparingly, as they can be jarring. However, experimenting with color can help you develop not just an optimal ambiance, but a company culture that furthers your business goals.  

The lighting in your facility should also be considered. If you have low lighting, choosing a cool or dark color could make your space feel dark, enclosing, or dreary. However, if you have plenty of light, a bright color may be too stimulating to the point of anxiety-provoking. The lighting available, as well as the activities taking place inside your facility, should factor into your paint choice. 

You may also be using color to color-code for operational procedures. Some industrial facilities rely on color-coding for streamlined operations. Choosing colors that stand out are essential. Primary colors are best used for color coding, but only if they are presented on a contrasting background. For example, using a primary red and yellow to color-code directions throughout a facility will only be effective if they are used on a white or another light, neutral background. 

Painting a facility is a critical first step in setting the tone for your business and furthering your goals. MaintenX can help you make the right choice in paint colors and offers affordable commercial painting services for facilities of all sizes. Contact us today to learn about our general contractor services in your area.

Is Your Preventative Maintenance Plan Ready For Hurricane Season?

This past month marked the beginning of the hurricane season for coastal states across the southeast. From June to November, businesses and residents must be ever-watchful and prepared for the next storm. In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we take extra precautions with our clients to ensure their businesses are minimally impacted by hurricanes if possible. However, even the greatest precautions cannot fend off 160-mile winds and storm surges upward of 10 feet. 

Names like Irma, Harvey, and Michael strike a chord with the residents and businesses who were affected by hurricane destruction. We relate to these stories of struggle and make it a personal mission at MaintenX to protect businesses to the best of our ability. If your facility is located on the coast, there are several steps you should take to minimize risks during hurricane season. 

Install and maintain your backup generator.

Some facilities, such as those in medical industries, are required to have backup generators to prepare for power outages. However, it is wise for every large commercial facility to have a backup generator, so that when power outages occur, you can still conduct essential business. MaintenX can also provide long-term preventative maintenance to ensure your backup generator will last for decades of hurricane seasons. 

Protect your roofing.

During hurricanes, oftentimes the buildings with the most damage are those in which the roof has collapsed. While the wind will break windows and storm surge cause some flooding, the falling debris that collapses roofing will destroy a building faster than any other hurricane damage. The best way to prevent this is by maintaining your roofing year-round. 

Sandbags and window protection. 

If your roof is structurally sound, the next area to focus on is your windows and ground floor. If a hurricane is announced and heading toward your area, you will want to board up all windows to prevent broken glass and water damage on the interior of your facility. If your area is at high risk for storm surge, you may also want to place sandbags at the entrance of your facility to reduce water damage. Sandbags can also be used as support to keep outdoor materials from blowing away. 

Prepare for staff evacuations. 

If a hurricane is over a category 3, you will want to plan for evacuation of the staff several days before the storm arrives. This evacuation plan will include if and how you’ll continue operations, and how you’ll return to business as usual while residents return. 

MaintenX wants to help your facility prepare for the 2020 hurricane season. Contact us today to learn more about your emergency preparedness options and resources for hurricane prep.